Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ingrids dress

I have had a lot of questions about Ingrids green dress. Is it one or two dresses? It is one with interchangable parts that has grown to almost two.

the first change came with the underskirt. we were going to make it out of two fabrics to make it look like two seperat skirts. Because of the difference in the weight of the fabrics one skirt was inpossable to do. Melinda and I made the decision to make two full skirts insted, to lessen the wieght on Ingrids hips.

Ingrids initiall fitting was without a bodic. We fnished the dress in one week and was ready for final fitting. She came with a corset and it shrank her mesurements . She had lost 5 inches in the waist with the corset on. The whole gown needed to be reworked.

The rework on the initial bodic I was not happy with. So I made another bodic out of the left over fabrics. Each bodic front was matched to a different underskirt.

Here are the list of garments made for Ingrids Green gown:

1 partlet
1 chemiss
2 bodices
1 set of sleeves
1 bum roll
2 underskirts
1 overskirt
1 hat


SuzyQSparkles said...

Wow! That's like two dresses for the price of one!

Reworking finished items always takes far more time than just doing it right the first time!

I know that when you do your initial fitting and then make the garment, those initial measurements are all you are responsible to make the garment fit for. The customer changed her undergarments and or size, thus significantly increasing your work load. Also, she wound up receiving two underskirts and two bodices.

Taking all these modifications into account, I'm wondering, what percentage of the original price did you charge for the rework & extra items?

Judye54 said...

This is Ingrids first commision dress ever and with that come the education of fondation garments being so important. Ingrid was so incent to this procidure that we are not charging her this time. She is and will be a good customer. Our desire to make a good garment and have a happy new customer, over shadowed the cost factor this time.